Do the Right Thing
A few days ago, someone said they found “ the blog you used to do”. Used to? Ouch!
One of my Twitter friends told me this morning that I should start blogging again. Two prompts in less than a week. I guess I should try then. I get myself in a corner sometimes when I think I
have to write the Great American Novel every time. I become stuck. How about if I just jot down some thoughts as a restart?
I am so depressed about the path our country is taking or should I say the path #45 is leading us down. We are shooting people st the border who are just standing still. We are ripping children out of the arms of their mothers & then “losing” them. We lie to our enemies & friends alike. We withdraw from agreements. Our word cannot be trusted. We are being “led” by a narcissistic liar, maybe even a sociopath. We argue among ourselves about his relative value and how to wrestle this country’s fate away from him. Spineless Conservatives do not speak up. ( Conservatives with a spine are my new best friends on Twitter) We threaten nuclear war. These techniques may work to make a real estate deal in NYC ( despite the many bankruptcies) but it’s no way to run a country. Don’t get me started on the mob ties, nepotism, & self enrichment going on. Why does Scott Pruitt still have a job? Why does that woman who mocked Senator McCain still have a job? Why do any of them still have a job?
On the positive front, I don’t have cancer anymore, thank G-d. My mother still has dementia but we are doing ok in our new apartment. I get to go places now away from home because I have more reliable help. They aren’t here 24 hrs a day, but I don’t need them that much. My mom qualified for Arizona Medicaid. They pay for 30 hrs/week. We pay for 18. Money is still tight but more do able. I’ve started gardening & feeding the birds again. My mom enjoys the fruits of this labor as do I.
Someone ran into my next door neighbor’s patio. I’m sorry about that but the gentleman who lives there was not hurt nor were his doggies. His outdoor furniture & potted plants are almost a total loss though. I worry about a lot of things, it never occurred to me to worry about a car driving onto my patio! Add that to the list!
My rent is being raised $58 as of September 1. :(
My mom hasn’t been in the hospital since December which is good.
Our kitties are fine & healthy.
Most of my neighbors are really nice!
I can look up from where I sit now & see the Catalina mountains.
Living in an apartment building can be worrisome. Someone in the building sent their cockroaches to visit me. It was a huge ordeal, but I think they are gone now. I have to be on guard though.
Two of my doctors have “deserted” me by daring to move to another state! I’ve met one of the replacements & I liked him very much except when he told me that because of my gene mutation I have to have a very yucky test every single year! Ok. I don’t like it, but it’s better than cancer.
It is hot here but we have air conditioning thank G-d!
Wish me luck finding a less expensive caregiver for the weekends. It could free up the budget a bit.
Audrey Hepburn once said something like “everything is better with 💄 (lipstick)”. I’ll go put some on now.
I’m writing this on my I Phone cause my laptop is just a giant headache. Forgive any typos.
Signed, Pam