Friday, March 22, 2013

Let Me Introduce Myself

Some of you may know me from Twitter, Facebook, or real life.  My name is Pam (not Pamela PLEASE).  I am a baby boomer who now lives in Tucson, Arizona.  I've lived lots of places but we'll save those stories for another time.  I have a Master's Degree in Speech Language Pathology from The Wichita State University.  I've attended other schools, but those are stories for another time also.  Currently, I live in my mom's house & act as her caregiver.  She is my good friend & the best roommate I've ever had. We are so lucky that my brother & his family live in Tucson also. I have a niece and a nephew,twins, who are now 10.  They call me Tante Pam.  I am Jewish, striving to be more observant every day (a work in progress, though the kitchen is kosher).  We have 3 kitties Copernicus, Cinnamon & Snowball.  I love to cook, do some crafts & watch the flora & fauna in our yard.  I am what is considered politically progressive, although I pride myself on the fact that my views are not predictable based simply on that label.  I am a pescatarian (a vegetarian who also eats fish). I am currently the Secretary on the board of our Home Owner's Association (Please don't hold that against me...). Mostly our board meetings are about weeds (I'm not kidding.)
I always thought I didn't have the skills to write.  I think my English Composition classes did that to me.  Recently, a friend encouraged me to write about myself.  She thinks I can write & that I have interesting stories to tell. I hope she is right. There are voices in my head I wish I could emulate.  My story telling idols are Molly Ivins, Nora Ephron, & Erma Bombeck.  As you can see, I am no stranger to sarcasm.  It's the only foreign language in which I am fluent.
Lately I've been doing a lot of things for the first time.  Yesterday it was Reflexology, tomorrow, who knows? 

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