Thursday, October 23, 2014

Comment Addiction

I keep promising myself I will stop reading comments on posts & articles.  I can't seem to keep this promise.  I am drawn to the melee.  I can't resist.  My name is Pam & I am a "commentaholic".  Most times I just get upset & want to throw something or think about eating a plate of potatoes or starting smoking again but sometimes, I enter the fray with a comment of my own.  Wrong! Usually a huge mistake.  Saving the world will not come about as a result of my winning a "Twittergument".

There are lots of reasons not to read comments.  Many of them are written by severely undereducated people (the your/you're confusers).  Some people just get off on the chance to anonymously bully someone or to express violent, racist or sexist provocative ideas.  Others take the opportunity to go on at length over some conspiracy theory from old ones (the Jews control the world) to newer ones (vapor trails).  Of course there are also comments from people who just disagree with me!

The group of commenters that are irritating me today are of the blame the victim mindset.  Yesterday a precious baby was murdered in Jerusalem.  That brought out the "Israeli's are baby killers" contingent.  Today I was reading an article from The Guardian about how many women are murdered every day by husbands or boyfriends and the light sentence that a certain South African male athlete received for murdering Reeva Steenkamp.  Apparently his sentence is shorter than if he had killed a rhinoceros.  I'm not kidding.  Of course, there were thoughtful comments, but there were too many that were not. It was the usual anti woman tripe such as women are asking for it if they don't leave an abusive relationship, etc. 

I think some people blame the victim because it makes them feel safer as they think they would never put themselves into that situation.  Others are just mean.

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